Designed by the renowned French designer David Turpin, the Moshi Moshi Pop Phone combines high style with high functionality, uniting the comfort and safety of a handset telephone with the convenience of the mobile phone. The chic design combines classic style with modern elegance, resulting in a fashionable and comfortable handset finished with a soft luxurious texture. State of the art technology in the high quality speaker and microphone ensures a polished sound while the design eliminates 99% of harmful mobile phone radiation.
- Features:
- Native 3.5mm jack to plug directly in your iPhone, Blackberry, MacBook and iPad
- One touch button for pick-up / hang-up directly from the handset
- Noise reduction system
- Soft touch finish
- Patented design
- Limited Edition Gold
- 3.94” x 2.95” x 10.04”
- Imported
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